Missing Tabular Row Descriptions


Legendary Poster
Sometimes, the users want a level-break on some awkward field in a Tabular report - which results in a Row's Description being the value of the key field, not the description of that key field.

For examples;
- Level break on MCU, CO & OBJ - and you get a pretty report
- Level break on MCU, CO & JUNK - and you get a pretty report without descriptions for JUNK (only the data value of JUNK)...

I read in "RDA: Overview of Tabular Sections in Report Design Aid (Doc ID 1496045.1)"
"When you create tabular sections, the system automatically includes a Description column in the section layout. The data in this column is based on the data sequencing fields that you define as level break fields. If you remove the Description column from the section layout, you can select it from the list of business view columns.

If the level break fields that are included in the Description column have data dictionary triggers attached, the system prints the description of the field in the Row Description column. Otherwise, the system prints the field value. For example, if you define company as a level break field, the description of the company appears in the Row Description column. This is because the company field has a trigger attached in data dictionary. If no trigger were attached to the company data dictionary field, the system would display the field value of the company."

This leads me to 'believe' that, if I create a Data Dictionary Trigger on the JUNK DD Item, the description would be displayed.

First - is that true?
Second - Where the heck are the instructions (if it is true)??

Hi Luis,

I saw that doc - but there's that "how to connect the BSFN to the DD Item" question...

Do we plunk it down as the function associated with 'Display Rule', 'Edit Rule' or something/somewhere else. I desire the clarity, not the guessibility...

I don't want to sabotage a DD item, while testing =D

Thanks for the follow-up and link!


It goes in the Edit Rule BF of the DD item. Check out IsColumnInAddressBook that is tied to AN8 as an example.

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