Media Object Default Font



Active Member
Hi Lists,
I wonder whether we can control the default font of Media Object. Say from Arial 12 to Times New Roman 10. If the control is allow, where can i set it and is there any impact to exist JDE form's font?

All inputs are mostly welcome.

Thanks in advance. [wink]

When you say "control the default font for media object" are you referring to the input form for Text or when Text is printed on a UBE?

Be aware that the UBE sets the font for any Media Object text - regardless of how it was entered.
Hi Larry,
I'm refering to the input form for text. Is it possible to set the default font type without affecting those form and grid text?

sorry - I don't know any way to change the default input font for media object text. But again, why worry about it? It doesn't print in that font anyway :(
Hey Nicholas,
Did you ever reslove the font issue? If so, can you let me know how you did it.
Hi Lanero,
Changing of default font thru JDE.INI will cause the all application screen display font been changed as well. Unless your users are ok with that, else there is no way for you to control it at this moment. I'm actually creating a template with the desired font as a workaround for my user. Maybe you can propose this alternative to your user. Hope this help.
I use B9800901(Refresh JDE font) for my workaround. Before you open the program that contain media object. Add
-update F98980 to new font.
-B9800901 with no parameters.
Then you can load program and turn it off when the program is terminated.
NOTE: The turn on statement can not be on the program that contain media object.

Hope this helps
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