Lot Hold Code - Available for MRP and transfers


Well Known Member
Is there any other way to make a lot hold code be available for MRP other than using P41081? We have several hold codes tagged as "available in MRP" in the description that seem to work in Supply/Demand (meaning, the inventory is on hold, but shows available). However, when I checked P41081 and the table, there is no data. We want to add a new lot hold code which works the same way. But, before I go through the headache of having the code researched to see if we customized it, I just wanted to see if there is something I've missed in the setup.

Thanks in advance!
I am assuming your "available in MRP" means when MRP (R3482/R3483) runs the quantity under this hold code will be treated as on-hand inventory for calculation. In processing option of R3482/R3483 (On-Hand Data tab) you can write in these hold codes in.
As to P41081 is the hold codes grouping for inventory transaction purpose (issue, adjustment, transfer, reclassification), and is not relating to the MRP.
I think you are confusing the P41081 to your description "available in MRP" !

Apps 9.2 TR9.2.2
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