Licensing Error


While installing 8.10 fat client I am getting an error “ Jdel.dll failed”. Also the title says Licensing error. I am unable to open the solution explorer due to this.

you might want to check if the user login under which you are installing the client has admin priviliges.

Hope this helps.

I received below from Oracle for this same issue for XE. There is a
solution ID 200825345 for 8.9 I believe.

Hi Dan,

Hope you are doing fine. I am the analyst assigned to your case. As per your
issue I would like to inform you that, the jdel.dll error is caused most of
the times due to either a corrupt foundation or the compression not being
right. So here are a couple of suggestions / reported issues over that:

See if is set to read only and if that is not the case recompress
the system again and deploy the full package. This should take care of the
issue since the has the dll that is erroring out. Also, see the
following information :


Error in installing Client: 6 6001 04:54:49 E
CInstaller::ConfigureSecurity: System exception when loading library
'C:\B7\system\bin32\jdel.dll'. The error message was 'The specified module
could not be found. '

The system directory on the fat client is empty.

This issue was related to the foundation package that somehow got corrupt.
Recompressing the foundation package resolved the problem


Finally, since as you discussed you had in the past some time installed
several SP's so that could have also caused the issue as it might have not
updated all system files. See below:

Customer performed an install of a Service Pack on the Deployment Server.
Some files in the system directory were updated, but the files in the
system.CAB file in the SYSCOMP directory were not updated and are still at
older SP. The system.CAB files are the files that get deployed by the update
package. How do I recompress the system directory to update the system.CAB

They need to build an update package with just the default foundation

1) go to GH9083
2) select Package Assembly
3) assemble an update package using a valid parent package and choosing the
default foundation.
4) you can choose NEXT to complete the assembly process and select END on
the final screen
5) make the new assembled active and defining the package ... Build
Specification Options should be greyed out ... on the Compression Options
screen select only "Compress Foundation" ...
6) submit package ... This will re-create the file in the
systemcomp directory.
7) verify that the system.CAB folder on the Deployment Server's SYSTEMCOMP
has been updated


So, basically as you can conclude from all the above information, the issue
more or less if related to the corruption in the foundation on the
Deployment Server. So once go do a recompress , everything should work fine.

So I would wait to hear back from you over this. Let me know the latest from
your end.

Have a nice time.


Sid Arora
Global Support Center


Email: <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]
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