JDE CLIENT when installed in Win XP executes much slower than (when installed in) Win 2000.

Anyone please tell me why this is so? What is the remedy?
I remember encountering a similar issue when the company I worked for
upgraded all the PCs to XP. It took 2 minutes to perform a check out.
I changed the system restore settings to turn the feature off. JD
Edwards performance then returned to normal. Please check with the IT
department before changing this setting.

Define Slow. What exactly is slow? Deployments? Simple task list travel? Running reports? What?

One thing you can try is to shut off the System Restore feature of the WinXP. This takes a snap shot of system related files every so often, slowing down everything else. You can also tune your anti-virus program to scan upon boot rather than continual scan all day. Lastly, be sure your network card settings are correct. If your network is 100 GB but your card is set to 10 GB, that'll slow down your computer.
I will second Fnorelli's suggestion. System Restore is a big culprit for slow ness and needs to be disabled. Another obvious slowdown will come from your antivirus software. Either temporarily disable it while doing updates, or have your network admin exclude the deployment server directories from being scanned.
I concur with the rest of the group. Turn off system restore. It makes backups of JDE files whenever a package update or JITI occurs.

If you're installing something you might want to recover from, you can turn it on temporarily and then turn it off again after things check out.
System Restore will solve some of the problem. XP SP2 has more background services and may be crippling older machines. Try Window Key/Pause Break -> performance options, Set Visual effects to best performance, advanced tab--> virtual memory to a separate disk drive preferably, or just increase the size by one increament of your total memory. Terminate unused services. Adjust down virus scanner settings to when writing to disk, especially if you are using Macafee.

Thank you, for your guidance, i 've turned off the System Restore. Got user feedback that JDE is faster than before.
Thank you, JDE is much faster now after turning off System Restore. But the Report generation process still take its own sweet time as it used to. What to do?
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