Java Server


Hi there!

I am trying to have two enterprise servers (1 for pd and the other for PY) the ocm is already map for boths environments to its respective enterprise server, but it does not work.

Is there any configuration in the jas.ini I should do?

You will have to have 2 or mor JAS instances to support this. 1 instance for JAS production (enterprise 1) and 1 instance for JAS prototype (enterprise 2).
You can run both environments off a single instance but the problems with cacheing making this a bad idea in general. You need to make the [JDBC URL] section is set up to point to the correct and separate locations for serialized objects. Then, if you've got the ocm sorted, you should be nearly there.

To watch out for
DisplayEnvironment=ReadOnly <= You won't want this line - it prevents users changing from the default environment.

PathCodes=('PD7333') <= You'll need more than just this.

Good luck.
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