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Just reading the SP20 documentation and came across a note on HTML Client Caching which surprised me.
Normally caching = a good thing, speeds things up. OK so you have to dump the cache when you release new objects but that's worth it to keep performance up.
HOWEVER, if you run more than one pathcode on the same instance, when an object gets into cache it no longer records the environment it came from. This means that you could, for example, get Dev objects showing up in Production if the first user to access it on that JAS instance did so via Dev.

The JDE answer is to turn caching off or limit each instance to a single environment.

That has always been the case. Caching has its up and down. It is pretty safe to turn of the caching as only thign it does is slows things down rather than gettign wrong specs.

I had couple of issues with this and decided to turn it off
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