Item Ledger and GL records not created on Receipt of PO


VIP Member
This has happened once before and now I'm looking at another one. It appears that a normal inventory stock PO was received as usual but no Item Ledger (F4111) or GL (F0911) records were created. In the receipts inquiry, it shows the OV numbers assigned and everything but none of those numbers exist in F0911. In fact that "chunk" of numbers is just missing in the 911 file.

On top of that, Item Ledger did not get updated and nor did the Qty on Hand (F41021).

So what do I do now? I can't reverse the receipts (I don't think) because it would try to hit inventory and I would be going the wrong direction. So how could I set the PO (F4311) and Receipts (F43121) records to think things were never received in the first place and try again? I'm stumped.

For issues like these, what i do is let the user enter the same transaction in PY and compare it with PD. Then i would decide if its easy to just copy the the missing transaction to PD or reset the transaction to the beginning or prior to receipts (just to get idea of the transaction flow).

Hope this helps.
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