Issues in job queue


Well Known Member
We have recently upgraded to tools and we exrecience an interminntent issue at times with our submitted job status.

What happens is somwhow after the job gets processed (we don't see the job id on our unix enterprise server) but the job status in WSJ table stays at P. So there are records in P for which there are no associated jobs on the unix server.

How is this possible and we need to correct this?

E1 8.11 SP1
Try to vrify when this problem occurs if exist zombi kernel on enterprise server. If ube kernel die then you are not able to find the related unix process.
Thanks for the suggestion. We do have some runbatch kernels going to zombie but as we checked none of those zombie runbatches matched the PID with the one which was in P (even when there was no job on unix).

Surprisingly, when we see the ube log for that report it shows the Calling free session at the end which is normally the last line before the job goes to D status.
a couple of questions, did the job complete, view pdf, but not update the F986110 table or did the job not run?
When kernel going to be zombie the process is recycled by S.O. so you can't find the match.

Try this:
restart the enterprise serve (this remove zombie), when next ube goes remain to P verify if new zombie exist and the zombie time.

See the metadata kernel too if problems occurs at this level.

it'very strange, i found some issue on aix plattform
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