Issue in C Bsfn

deva raju

Hi Guys,
am getting the below error in C bsfn. please help me

B55F0911.cD:\E910\DV910\source\B55F0911.c(130) : error C2059: syntax error : 'type'

Adjusting DLL load addresses . . .

************Build Finished************

CCUSTOM.dll - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s): Build failed. Restored previous dll.

130th line(as per my code): JDBReturn=JDB_UpdateTableCols(hRequestF0911, NID_F0911,(ID)0, idIndexF0911, void * &dsF0911key,short sNumberOfKeysF0911, void * &dsColF0911, NID * DSVJ, short nNum )
Deva Raju,

The issue is missing of braces and Update Column Values mapping(8th parameter). Please use below code and let me the results.

JDBReturn=JDB_UpdateTableCols(hRequestF0911, NID_F0911,(ID)0, idIndexF0911, (void *) &dsF0911key,(short) sNumberOfKeysF0911, (void *) &dsColF0911, (NID *) NID_DSVJ, (short) nNum )

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