Is this Possible!!! Archive JDE data from Production database to Archive Database hosted on a Different Servers???


Is this Possible!!! Archive JDE data from Production database to Archive Database hosted on a Different Servers???

Hi All,
Can I use standard JDE Archive/Purge programs to Archive data from Production database to Archive Database hosted on a Different Servers?

I.e -

“Server A” has Production database, I created New Archival Environment & Database on Server B.can I use JDE Standard Archive Programs to Move data from Production DB to Archival DB directly.

Is this Possible? If yes, any thing I need to take in to Considerations.

E.8.11,SQL 2000
Re: Is this Possible!!! Archive JDE data from Production database to Archive Database hosted on a Different Servers???


We do that all the time, but with a different approach. We use SQL backup to backup the database. then we restore it to the other server. the database admistrators have scripts to change over server names and owners. The CNCs then need to go in and do some other data cleanup to change over machine names and such. The jde archive programs and third party applications like IBM's Optum (formerly Princeton Softech) are not designed to do what you inquired on. they are designed to purge and archive key transactional tables and bring those tables down to a more manageable size.

Re: Is this Possible!!! Archive JDE data from Production database to Archive Database hosted on a Different Servers???

I think this depends on your purpose. If you want to create a separate environment where users can look up the old data, then use Gregg's approach to create a data snapshot of the entire database.

Using the JDE built-in programs merely create a separate file to hold the data for that file (ex. archiving F0911 produces a file F0911A) in the same database as the original file. The problem is, you can't really do much with the archived data at this point.

So are you just trying to cut down the size of your major transaction tables, or creating a lookup environment for old data?
Re: Is this Possible!!! Archive JDE data from Production database to Archive Database hosted on a Different Servers???

Hi gregglarkin & klwong,

Thanks very much for your Reply.thas's lot helpful

Answering your question

i) What if i create a New Archival Environment on Different Database Server, and then run the standard JDE Archive Program to directly move data?

ii) Is my Production Environment is able to identify the new "Archival Environment" which was installed on Different Server?

ii) Does my Standard Purge Archive Program "F4311 PO Detail Purge" Program by default Recognize & Validate "Archive Environment Data source"? As the Standard code always check for Data source of Archive Environment

// Get the data source of the archive environment
0018Get and validate the data source for an environment / table
PO szArchiveEnvironmentName -> BF szEnvironment
"F4311" -> BF szTableName
VA rpt_szArchiveDataSource_DATS <- BF szDataSource
VA rpt_szErrorCode_DTAI <- BF szErrorDataItem
VA evt_mnErrorNumber_MATH01 <- BF mnErrorNumber

iv) Or do I difinetly use SQL Script for moving Archive DB to host on Another Server?is it the best way to use SQL script?

Sorry for lot of Questions

Thanks & Regards
E.8.11 & SQL 2000
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