E9.2 Installing Vertex local client on 64bit dev client.


We recently upgraded to and moved to 64bit, now having trouble getting Vertex local to work on 64bit dev client. Was wondering if any of you smart folks have been successful in that endeavor. Was using Doc 628872.1 as a guide, but one of the first things in there is this..

Installing Vertex On a Local Workstation
PLEASE NOTE: Only use 32bit version of Vertex, the 64bit version of Vertex will cause E1 not to connect to Vertex.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Though I haven't worked with the vertex solution for JDE, I understand it's based on libraries (DLLs) called by core software. You will need to match the bitness (64 in your case) of Vertex and JDE. The documentation or instructions you are referring to are probably created before JDE had a 64bit client.

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