inserting into table?


Active Member
when inserting info into a table through a JDE report. What tells that table to start writing to the next row? Anyone?

Aaron, no one tells that table anything.
The UBE (that is Universal Batch Engine) talks (a lot) with the RDBMS (that would be the Relational Database Management System), and it requires permission to insert records (I guess this is your meaning of "info"). Based on a set of criteria, the DB complies (or not).
Warm regards,
I'm confused as I am a novice user. I want this jdedward report to loop through and write to a certain table. say I have 5 order numbers and order types. after it inserts 1 order number and then the order type I want it to then go to the next line or row in that table to write the next. Is there any easy way to do this? Should it do it automatically?
Whenever Insert Statement is executed, system will add a new record to the database.
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