Identifying documents in error on Posting Edit Report (P09800)


Reputable Poster
Does anyone else have problems with identifying the document number(s) in
error on a batch posting edit report?? The posting edit report (P09800)
will give you a clue as to the number of items in the batch with an error,
but does not identify the document number in error, at least that I can see.
If have a huge batch, a real pain to print the big report (098012) and try
to find the document(s) in error. How do other people handle this?? I have
tested and found that by putting one (1) line of code in P09800, I can print
the document number. I really do NOT want to mod P09800 however, so curious
what other people are doing with this situation.

John Dickey
JDE Financial Systems
White-Rodgers, Division of Emerson
St. Louis, MO
At a past employer, an accountant would download the batch to Excel, apply the exchange rate and find the errors that way. Then I DFU'd the records to correct them.
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