IBM Query/400 issue when upgrading early A73 releases to PCCPY 6942015 and A9

Eric Lehti

VIP Member
This is a step to perform after you upgrade from early A73 cumulative releases (e.g. cume 9) to PCCPY 6942015 or to A9.
In A73 up through cumulative release [?], the file format in disk files created by World Writer were named the same as the file name. For example, if World Writer created file F55123, its format name was F55123.

Beginning with cume [?] World Writer creates files having a format name beginning with the character 'I'. For example, output file F55123 will have format name I55123. Any IBM Query/400 query created prior to the upgrade that reads this file will halt with the error message QRY1221, indicating that the format name does not exist in the file. You will need to use the IBM WRKQRY command to edit and save the Query/400 object with the new file format name.

I am forwarding my recommendation to Oracle's tech support.
Perhaps this is already included in the A9 instructions.
I received quick responses from Barbara Canham and Oracle Tech support. document. WS: WW: World Writer PTF Pack FAQs (Doc ID 627399.1) discusses the issue.
File format name changed. Previously, when World Writer created a file, the file format name was the same as the file name. Example: File name = HENRY, Format name = HENRY. Beginning in A7.3 Cume 13 and A8.1 Cume 04, the format name begins with the letter I. File name = HENRY, Format name = IENRY. This change is also included in the World Writer PTF Packs.
Existing World Writer versions that are written over a file created by another World Writer version are effected. Submitting the version that creates the file will change the format name of the file. Thereafter, attempting to modify the version that uses the file causes error 1750 - At least one file in error or not found. Submitting the version that uses the file may cause a joblog with error SQL0104 - Token not valid.

If only a few versions are impacted, recreating (not copying) the version that uses the file will resolve the issue.

If there are many versions that will need to be recreated, consider running the SQL statement below. This will update the format field @1QFMT in F82101 so that the versions will reference the correct format name. Important: Have a copy of F82101 for backup purposes before submitting the following:

update f82101 set @1qfmt = 'I'||substr(@1qfil,2,9) where
@1qfil = @1qfmt and @1qfil in (select @1ofil from F82100)

You may also have IBM Queries and RPG programs .
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