How to set OneWorld signon page as default on WAS/HTTP Server


Active Member
List, can anyone tell me how to setup my HTTP/WAS server so when I type the server name it automatically redirects me to http://servername:81/jde/E1Menu.maf?

Currently if I type in the server name it takes me to the default WebSphere IBM HTTP Server screen.

DNS entries will not work.
Here is my approach. I have assumed you are using IBM HTTP Server (IHS) and not Microsoft IIS.

You will notice that I have set the document root for the virtual host to the "owhtml" folder. This folder contains index.html. Index.html contains a redirect instruction that points the browser to /jde/E1Menu.maf.

# Directory Security
# This is not required for the redirect but is good security practice
<Directory "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\installedApps\YourServer\EA_JS_81.ear\webclient.war\WEB-INF">
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from All

<Directory "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\installedApps\YourServer\EA_JS_81.ear\webclient.war">
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from All

LoadModule was_ap20_module "F:\WebSphere\AppServer/bin/mod_was_ap20_http.dll"
WebSpherePluginConfig "F:\WebSphere\AppServer/config/cells/plugin-cfg.xml"

# This uses mod_alias to redirect port 80 to port 81 (if the user
# requests http://e811web with no port). I have only configured this
# under IHS 2. mod_alias may work under IHS 1.3 but I strongly
# recommend using IHS 2 for reasons of stability, performance and the
# availability of mod_deflate compression.

Listen 80
NameVirtualHost e811web:80
<VirtualHost e811web:80>
Redirect / http://e811web:81

# This is the actual JAS instance on port 81
# The document root is what achieves the redirect
# to /jde/E1Menu.maf

Listen 81
NameVirtualHost e811web:81

<VirtualHost e811web:81> DocumentRoot "F:\WebSphere\AppServer\installedApps\E811WEB\EA_JS_81.ear\webclient.war\owhtml"
Alias /jde "F:\WebSphere\AppServer\installedApps\E811WEB\EA_JS_81.ear\webclient.war"

Hope this helps,
OK I got the port redirect to work by remarking out the following:

# Port 80

# AfpaEnable
# AfpaCache on
# AfpaLogFile "C:\Program Files\IBMHttpServer/logs/afpalog" V-ECLF
OK thanks for all the help. This is what I did to make it work in my environment.
Edit HTTPD.CONF file and restart HTTP Service.

1. Add the following after <VirtualHost servername:81>

DocumentRoot "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\installedApps\servername\EA_JS_81.ear\webclient.war\owhtml"
Alias /jde "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\installedApps\servername\EA_JS_81.ear\webclient.war"

2 – Remark the following so port:80 is freed up and can be redirected

# Port 80

# AfpaEnable
# AfpaCache on
# AfpaLogFile "C:\Program Files\IBMHttpServer/logs/afpalog" V-ECLF

3 - Add the following to redirect port:80 traffic to port:81

Listen 80
NameVirtualHost servername:80
<VirtualHost servername:80>
Redirect / http://servername:81

You got to edit the file
/www/apachedft/htdocs/index.html in your AS/400 Web Server

Then replace it with the following instructions

Redirected to http://servername:81/jde/E1Menu.maf </body>
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="2; url=http://servername:81/jde/E1Menu.maf">
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