E9.1 How to import custom jar files and certificate to BSSV websphear server

  • Thread starter Chandra Chaganti
  • Start date

Chandra Chaganti


I have created one custom consumer BSSV and it's required custom jar files and certificate required to consume API.

How to add custom jar to websphear server and how to add certificate to keystone in websphear server?

From what I remember when a geeky friend of mine was trying to help to me with a while back, the whole library is ONE file. So you can't.

I would try adding the objects to E1 the right way and maybe trying to import them in OMW, either using a par file that E1 saves, or by making the files in JDeveloper and adding them that way.
E1 has a wizard that makes the files for you and also links the java to back end tables like F98603 (Published Methods)
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