How can I disallow exports to Excel ?


VIP Member
Hi List,
I want to exclude the grip option to export data to MS-Excel for some users (role based).
I have no clue how to do this. Could anybody help me out ?

Thanks, Gerd
E8.93, AS400, WTS
Just a guess but the export function might be accomplished by calling some
windows based program that could be controlled through executable security.

Patrick Conlon
Allegheny County
XE U4 SP23, DB2, AS/400, JAS, Citrix, Fat clients
Good try Patrick.
I allready tried to secure excel.exe (External Call Security), no success.
The problem occurs on WTS. When it is used it for considerable amounts of data all CPU gets used up for the export only.
I could simply uninstall excell from the WTS, but then we need this function for some users, occasionally.
What we could try is securing excel.exe from the Windows side (or is this what you meant?).
Thanks, Gerd
Boa tarde Gerd!

The only way that I know how to disable an export to Excel is to not have Excel on the terminal server.


Gregorio Larkin
Administrador de Sistema de JDE para America do Norte
Well, that´s what we probably have to do then. And those who need this feature will have to use a fat client.

Thanks, Gerd

Have you tried External Call security using P00950. I haven't tried it to see if it works. Just a thought.

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