Hidden Section Found Error Message


Active Member
I am attempting to modify a customised report here and when I go to add a simple line, I get the following message:

Hidden Section Found. Please verify your driver section. Any idea what that is ???
Hi CNCTech,

Never mind the message!

This is just a warning. This happens, happens when RDA does not show invisible section(s). If you do not want to get this message again then, switch on either optition in the View menu of RDA:

A.) Hide/Show invisible sections (to Show state)
B.) Show Invisible Sections At Startup under User Options selections

There are an other dummy warning in FDA too:
When you create a brand new form e.g., but you do not attach event rules to it and save the APPL, then "No Event Rules Found" (or something similar) comes. Although, most of the forms can work functionally without a line of ER.

There are an other warning, that does not need mind:
Delete GBRLINK to non-existant spec (or something similar)

You get it when you deleted all ER lines of an event or deleted an element, which has had attached ER line previously. The message comes, when the ER Validation finished for an UBE or APPL.

You can calmly ignore these messages in the future.

I hope, I was able to reassure you about the message :)


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