HCM (Human Capital Management)


As we are currently evaluating the HCM module, we kind of noticed the use of hours through out the system. Is there a way to get around of not using this methodolgy of hours as we are not using this in our company?
The entire system of JDE is calculated based on hours only, u can consolidate this to days based on the company options setup.

You can revert for any further clarification
Thanks for your reply but I did not get exactly what you mean.

Does this mean that in the company setup you can change the setup from hours to days?

Another things which is very much confusing us again relative to hourly rates? As explained to us by the implementor, all rates have to be manually calculated in order to come up with overtime, absences and other forms of pay type. Whay cannot these thigs be automated in the system in a way that it would calculate the rate based on the components that you will define to be included?
No, we can do overtime, Paytype calculation, absence calculation automatically in the system. Please revert for any clarification.
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