Have You Migrated From World to EnterpriseOne?


Well Known Member
I posted this yesterday in the Applications Forum, thought I should maybe try the Technical Forum as well. I hope the duplicate posting isn't poor form.

I'm sorry if this information is available in the archives. I've tried searching to no avail. I'm looking for opinions from anyone who has migrated from World to EnterpriseOne or OneWorld in the last couple of years. Was it worth the expense and aggravation?

Did it go fairly smoothly or was it a horror show? Could users transfer their knowledge of their applications, or did they all need to be retrained? Did you need a lot of consulting assistance, or did you do it yourself?

Is there a lot more functionality? How do the users feel about it? Are they more inclined to use the software to full extent of its capabilities? Are they better able to create their own custom reports?

Did your hardware vendor get the sizing right? Did you stay with the iSeries, and how do you feel about that decision? etc., etc.

We are on A73 cume 13, iSeries model 720, 40 concurrent plus 40 moderate users.
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