Fleet Management in JDE E1 8.12, TR 8.96.40



VIP Member
I would like to know the capability of JDE E1 8.12 to manage fleet (vehicles of a company).

We need the following features:-
- Manage fleets
- Manage drivers information
- Manage trip schedules
- Manage fleet maintenance etc.

I saw some posts which directs me to Capital Asset Management and Fixed Assets, or Logistics Management and Transportation management.
For example http://www.jdelist.com/vb4/showthread.php/35405-JDE-Fleet-Management

Appreciated if some one share their experience regarding the subjects.
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That seems like a fairly heavy duty project. You can accomplish most of what you want to do with CAM. The trip schedules is probably where JDE will fall down but I'm not sure I would build that functionality in 8.12. If you have significant requirements then you'd probably be better off looking at a third party product that you can integrate with JDE. But certainly JDE CAM will handle your fleet maintenance, billing and cost management.
Also note, we provide vehicle integration technology for light vehicles into JDE so that you can track location as well as equipment information from the ODBII port. This solution is supported on E1 versions 8.12 and above.
I agree with Russell.
I used CAM for this purpose, but I didn't implement trip schedules.
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