Failed to get non - zero AB Number


Legendary Poster
Regularly, I see this error ("Failed to get non - zero AB Number") in logs that I am reviewing.

Thus far, though, I haven't been able to determine what its real cause it. I see it scattered throughout logs... Just don't know its cause or what to do about it.



do you have an address book number for the account that the Server services is running under (e.g. the "JDE" account)?
Yes, we get this error message too, but I think we only see it when we log onto the Deployment Server. We have been getting this since the beginning of time have have just ignored it so far.

I checked into the error message during a recent case with PeopleSoft Customer Connection. Here is the exact quote from the analyst:

"The messages you are seeing in the jde.log are nothing to worry about. You are getting them because you are submitting the build from the Deployment Server, most likely as user JDE. The system is attempting to create PPAT messages for the user and is not finding the info it requires for sending them."

Hope this clears it up.

May not be your particular problem but I have seen this before as a hard error in SOE if system 49 is being used and the branch master has a zero entry in the F0006.MCAN8 column. Perhaps you are getting this in EDI process for Sales Order creation (R47011)?


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