Execution path issue


I have a, thin client, user receiving this error when looking up data model documents:

"The requested application: GeneralAccounting.doc could not be found in your execution path."

Could this be a JDE.ini issue? We have had some problems with permissions on the JDE.ini file on our Citrix servers. Users had permission to alter the file, and it was getting altered when they logged in, and users were not receiving their log files in their WINDOWS directories under Docs&Settings.

We have cleared up the permissions issue, and this evening I am going to delete all users' JDE.ini files on the Citrix servers. This way they will receive new, un-altered files in their individual WINDOWS directories.

I am wondering if this will clear up the execution path issue as well?
I get the same error when I try to launch any data model task (ie, General Accounting, General Ledger, etc) in Citrix and fat.

These tasks are of Windows Executable task type. JDE sends command to OS to execute file as if it was an application. If you select Task Revision you'll see the filename (ie, DWLDMGL.DOC). Windows tries to open the file with the default program based on file extension association.

The error means what it states: JDE was not able to find the file in any of the directories specified in the environment variable %PATH%.

BTW, I can't find these files anywhere in the system. I think this was a separate licensed product/module that had to be purchased.
I was starting to wonder about that myself.

We had searched for the file(s) the user was trying to open, and cannot find them on any of the JDE or Citrix servers.

I may contact Oracle about this, to confirm our suspicions.

Thanks for the reply.

I contacted Oracle, and found out that as of Tools Release 8.95, the Data Model documents have been removed.

They are suggesting the Cross Reference tool (xref in FastPath) to get the information. I am in the process of setting it up.
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