ever heard of this?


Well Known Member
I had a user who could not post a batch from A/P to G/L. He would submit the
job, and it would sit in a wait status in One World. I could not see his job
on the AS400 at all. his manager could post it. so I had him sign on a
different fat client and he still couldn't post it. So I figured something
happened to his security while I was off work. Security history said he
changed his password. So I asked him why his password changed, it had
expired, no problem. I asked him what he changed it to...an 11-character
password! so I changed his password to a 6-character password and his
batch posted just fine. Anyone been here before? Why would it let him
change it to something that will cause problems later?
XE U3 SP20 AS400 V5R1 W2K NT

Libbi Fletcher
Systems Administrator
HoMedics, Inc.
3000 Pontiac Trail
Commerce Township, MI 48390
248-863-3001 ext. 1281
I do not know the answer, but that is a good one to remember!

Senior Technical Consultant
17611 E. Tennessee Pl.
Aurora, CO 80017
Work 303-337-1906
Cell 303-885-1405
Fax 303-306-1800
Probably because of the different platforms that you can run OneWorld on. I'm guessing the password didn't work because your Enterprise Server (the AS/400) doesn't accept passwords longer than 10 characters.
that is what I thought, but if that user does not have a user signon on the
AS400, only a group, would this apply?
Re: RE: ever heard of this?

No AS/400 signon? I suspect that the Group AND the userid has to be authenticated to the 400 but, I'm not positive. So, let me check and I'll get back with you.
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