Event’s are not getting executed when Column position change in the grid .


P4210 (Sales Order Detail Revisions)

We have some custom code written on the column in “Control Exited/Changed-Asynch” & “Control Exited/Changed-in Line “ as well.
This event dose execute some time and some time it dose not ( when used debugger some time control goes to the break point and some time not ) .
It’s seems that when looking at the application if the poison of the column on the greed is changed it’s happening …..now this is related to USER Override ? Any one has experience this problem ?

Thank you very much for any help.
Are you actually changing the value in the grid cell? This event only fires if the value in the cell has changed. I believe 'changed' is defined as any keyboard input. In other words, retyping the same value WILL still fire the event. But if you just tab through the cell without keying any input characters, the event will NOT fire.
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