Esu Question...

Ricardo Paz

Reputable Poster
Hi list...
This probably be a stupid question, but I'm relatively new on this....

At my enterprise they aplied an ESU and tried to build the server package,
but it was built with errors (I wasn't hired then so I lost all the
party.....) now we are trying to build the package again I'd rather to do
all the process from the begining...Is it possible to deploy the ESU again
and then try to build the package???

Thanks to all...

Lic. Ricardo Paz Castanon
Jefe Sistemas COHESA
It is possible, and I would recommend it, esp. if
you don't know that the ESU was applied properly to begin with.

Things I would recommend:

Download the JDE ESU Guide from Knowledge Garden.

Make sure to look for Mandatory/Prerequisite ESU's/Special Instructions for
the ESU you are attempting to install. You may run into a prob. where the
Deployment server tells you that the ESU has already been applied. There is
a registry hack for this, and I believe the ESU Guide talks about it.

There is also a checklist for your environment to be sure that everything is
installed and configured properly. If you can't find it on KG, contact your
support rep. in Denver.

There are settings in your JDE.INI which are important. Also, if your
Enterprise server is NT, you'll want to check your Environment System & User
Variables to be sure they have path's to C++ Directory, etc.

'In Boca Al Lupo' = Italian for "Good Luck!" - John B.
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