EnterpriseOne I/O at file-level



We're facing a strange phenomenon here...

Using OW-Xe on Citrix with AIX/Oracle Ent.svr., NAS-storage for both database (via NFS) and some user-OW files (via CIFS).

The amount of I/O on the CIFS volume, containing ONLY the client JDE.ini, jdedebug.ini, some viewed pdf, is over 5 times as high as the Oracle I/O!!

What we think MIGHT be an issue: Jdedebug.ini is constantly written with the famous line 'output is disabled', which is causing a tremendous amount of I/O...

Any thoughts/ideas are highly appreciated!

Hi Lambert,

How are things in the Netherlands today? Hopefully you're busy doing jde stuff and not penning any satrical comics. It doesn't surprise me that you are seeing a lot of chatter on the I/O channel. The client is constantly writing to the JDE.Log file. The debug file gets written to at least one. The JDE.INI gets updated with the "Last Environment Logged into" field. I keep all of my citrix users local on the terminal server and avoid the NAS.

Gregg Larkin
JDE System Administrator (CNC) / North America
Praxair, Inc.
Re: EnterpriseOne I/O at file-level - We have a suspect!

Hello all,

While posting the question here, we're also looking at other sources and found a plausible suspect: the Windows service 'computer browser'. This service scans the entire Active Directory, evey 5 secs. Our A/D is growing and growing, so this might explain the cause of the tremendous amount of I/O. Turning this service off helped another customer in reducing his Windows<=>NAS I/O with over 80%!

We're now investigating whether Citrix doesn't start 'complaining' when we stop this service. Will keep you posted.

Best regards,

PS: And no Gregg, I'm not penning any satirical cartoons, but that's just because I'm a lousy artist and not Danish...
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