Debugging with SAW on W2K


VIP Member
Hi List,

I have been working with the System Administration Workbench on a W2K
server recently and observed a behavior that worries me a lot.
We needed to debug a CallObj Kernel. I identified the kernel correctly in
the SAW, right-mouse-clicked it to turn on debugging on this kernel.
After my jdedebug.log was created I switched debugging off again.
To our surprise we found that debugging was still turned on, and it
produced debug logs for ALL kernel processes and queue processes. Further
we found that Output=NONE was changed to Output=File in the server´s
jde.ini file. (This file IS properly secured on the server.)
A CNC collegue confirmed this behavior to me. I am quite confident that
on Unix servers this is NOT the case. On Unix ES I can turn on and off
the debugging for one specific kernel process, as one would expect.

Could anybody please enlighten me on this? Has anybody observered the
same or (better) the contrary? Am I missing something here?
Is there any way to put some sort of security on SAW? It looks as if I
can start SAW with any login/password combination!

Thanks for any answer, Gerd
Xe, SP15.1, NT, Oracle, Citrix clients

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