Creating a custom invoice?


Well Known Member
My company has been making continual revisions to the R42565 since go-live...well, actually to a copy of the R42565 (R5542565) made by our consultants during our XE implementation.

The revisions vary in scope, and some have not been large, but as the changes continue and we wrestle with incorporating them into the slew of pre-existing code and numerous sections, I have been considering the idea of generating a company specific invoice from scratch.

I want to know if anyone out there has undertaken this exercise and succeeded. If so, to what degree did you change the rules and processing (i.e. moderately, completely?) Did you reduce complexity in some areas only to add it in others? How many hours and resources did it take? Did you do it in-house or use consultants?

JDE does a lot of processing in areas we don't need at all, like taxes and foreign currency, but our business adds some complexity that we've had trouble incorporating in the base report, like a recent request to be able to print combined orders as a single invoice. Other tweaks we've had to make include modifying invoice date processing options and logic, pricing display logic, fonts, title and headings, etc.

I would greatly appreciate any advice!

I agree with you - R42565 is a hacked up mess even before any customizations get to it.

If you can isolate the core processing and replicate in a new object I would say to GO for it. I haven't done this with R42565 (my changes have been limited to minor mods and bug fixes) so take my advice with a grain of salt.

Appreciate the advice, Larry. Anyone else? There must be someone out there who's done this, or something on a similar scale... Please relate your experience!

I made a copy of the R42565 last year in order to customise our invoicing output.

With hindsight it would have been far easier following Larry's advice and copying the core functionality into a totally new program. The R42565 contains an enormous amount of redundant and unnecessary code which makes any customisation very difficult.

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