Create!Form problem


Well Known Member

One of the users at our place is getting problems when printing Purchase Orders (only happens sometimes) - instead of the PO print she is getting the following printed

PDF status page
PDF file not printed. 128 MB of memory is required to enable direct PDF printing.

Any help much apprciated.
Sati -

Some things to look at;

- Is the size of the print job being received by the printer more than it can accommodate?

- Can you tell from the error page if it is generated by the printer directly or by Create!form?

- Are there any settings in the Windows printer driver that might be related to this?

- What type of printer is it (Mfg & Model) - does their help/documentation provide any advice?

did you ever resolve this issue? I know that this is a couple of years old but we just received this issue and not sure how to fix it.
Check the printer options under your Create!form server specially the "Default Merge Option". Is it PostScript or PDF? If it is PDF try chaging it to PostScript.

Hi Soumen,

I also face the same issue using create!form server 6. I have tried to change the option to Postscript as well as PCL. but it is of no use. But when i print it locally it prints fine.

Any idea why?
Hi Senthil,

Try capturing the output from the Printer to a *.ps file locally and open it with Adobe Distiller. Does the ps file show any error in the distiller or does it open the merged PDF correctly.

Also did you try checking if the printer has post script chip installed. Or does it print to any other printer?

Hi Saumen,

Thanks for the solution, but I have used PCLHP4000 and it worked fine for me.
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