Conditionals on missing data always true!?



VIP Member
Hi Create!Gurus

At one of my clients we use Create!form extensively to print literally dozens of different invoice scenarios.
As a result we have a large number of conditional statements in the project.
We are now starting to print consolidated invoices, which means that order type (and order number) no longer exist on the pdf. Much to our amazement we find that the conditionals using 'order type' are now ALWAYS TRUE!

Has anybody else encountered this issue?

To overcome this we now have to expand every conditional statement with 'AND exists(OrderType)'
Is there an easy way to search for conditional statements inside a project, other than going through every individual variable?

TIA for all your feedback
What version of Create!form are your projects in? Are the conditions in a form project or director project (or both)?

Where is the conditional logic located - as a display condition in a object, UserVariable, etc.?

Hi Karen
Mea Culpa
I was a bit tardy on the details
We are using Create!Form version and the conditions are in a form project and the conditions I have tested are in a display object. Eg the condition reads OrderType == "ST", but 'Ordertype' is not on the pdf (since we are printing a consolidated invoice). Nevertheless the object is displayed. Only by adding 'AND Exists(OrderType)' does the object remain hidden.

Thanks again for your assistance. You are the 'queen of Create'

Conditional display expressions may act unpredictable if the variable is no longer in the PDF file.

In the designer, there is no way to see a list of all expressions to modify them whether they are in one section or multiple sections.

It is necessary to go section by section, object by object.

The listing view may help (View > Listing) as you can group similar items together (like variables) in order to modify them methodically.

Also, it is not possible to modify expressions in multiple objects at the same time, this has been a bug in the design tool for some time.
While the design tool will allow this (select multiple objects > Edit > Properties) it will not keep the modified expression after clicking ok.

You can however open the .fpj2 file in any text editor to see all of the expressions but this could be a labor some process depending on how many expressions there are & where they reside in the project.

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