CLRIPC Hang on AS/400


On my production AS/400, I keep having a problem where the CLRIPC keeps hanging. The only way to fix this is to IPL.

I can IPL and do a STRNET and I'm OK. If I do an ENDNET, I might as well bank on doing an IPL.

This all started when I loaded the latest AS/400 v5r1 PTF, Hiper and Database packages. I do not recall seeing any excludes or exceptions in the JDE APAR.

JDE OneWorld XE SP17.1

Danny Mc?
We had a similiar issue at SP16 before upgrading to SP19.1. The IPC would not reset as it should and batch processing would stop. Stopping JDE, clearing the IPC, and restarting OneWorld did the trick until we installed SP19.1. Sometimes the clear IPC did not work the first time processed, so we always executed it 2-3 times. There was a one-off in SP16 but it was not available by the time we figure out our problem.
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