Charting Specific Values



Well Known Member
Forgive me if this is too specific of a question for this forum. I tried searching for a Crystal-only forum but found nothing as useful as this forum for JDE, so I figured I roll the dice and see what comes up...

I have a report that groups by item number and business unit. Within each group, I have a calculated ratio field that is subtotaled at each section break. What I would like to do is chart these subtotaled calculated values by item. I can't seem to find a way to get Crystal to do this. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Another way to describe this problem is as if I have an array of numbers and I want to chart that array.

Thank you for your help in advance.
1. Crystal Support and/or Forums

2. Your charting requirement is very basic and should be easy to accomplish. From the Chart Expert click on the Data Tab, then under Layout Group make sure the Group button is selected. The rest is obvious. You select the Group value to chart in the "On change of" combox box, then select your sub-totaled formula.

One comment. If you have a lot of item numbers on the report then perhaps charting them is not a good option . . .
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