changing Data structure of a business function

Sunil Rana

two issue but these are related, if i get any of these my problem is solved...

1. Changing Data structure of a business function(B4200310),how it will affect
2. Copying Char value to a string in VC++, how i can do this, how to use JDECallObject in VC++ for B9800460


i want to change data structure of a business function(B4200310), i want to pass F4102.TAX1 to this business function but as such we dont have any provision to pass this right now so i want to add another parameter in data structure and i can use this inside my business function.

....Second Option....
we have F4211.TX with us as a parameter for this Data structure, now this is of char type and size 1. i want to assign this value to F4211.TXA1 which is a string of size 10,
I have tried copying/assigning F4211.TXA1=F4211.TX but it is throwing an excption of type casting and P4210 do not insert any record in to tables.

Now i want to convert char(F4211.TX) to string and assign that value to F4211.TXA1.
i have one option which i know but i dont know how to use this JDECallObject(B9800460), please let me know how can i use this and paramters used in this API.

Please tell me what is best out of these two to solve this issue
Thanks in advance

Sunil Rana
I would VERY strongly recommend that you do NOT change ANY pristine BSFN data structure especially B4200310. To do what you need to do (I have do the same sort of thing quite a bit), you simply need to create a tag cache structure, along with BSFN calls to maintain the cache. You can then store values in your tag cache and read it from with-in B4200310. Our B4200310/B4200311 has been modified to do just that. I have tag cache for both the UI01 and UI11/UI12 cache structures and it works great.

Bottom line, I personally see no problems with modifying pristine BSFNs as long as you DON'T change the data structure. Any that are Jobnumber/cache based can use the technique I described to pass values.
This is Sales MBF and i would recommend that you dont change the data structure else you will nd up in tremendous maintenance issues as this func is effect in most of the SARs.
There are lots of fields in the structure which you can use to pass the value unless you have run out of all then a tag table or cache is viable option.

Thanks for reply...i can see that there are various other Paramaters avaliable..i have checkd with one of these...but i m afraid if need arises for same parameter in future to be used and it may lead to after thinking lot...i want to use JDEcallObject and call business function ConvertChartoString, so please let me know how i can use this..else i wil foloow your suggestion of using some other parameter....
I have no coding experience in VC++...

Thanks in advance
Sunil Rana
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