Change Assistant to Create "ESU" to Transfer to New Seperate Installation


Active Member
Change Assistant to Create \"ESU\" to Transfer to New Seperate Installation

We have a Seperate Division Installing JD EWdwards in Europe and the environment will be total seperate from ours. The consulting group implemeting JD Edwards over the pond would like to extract some of our custom objects and apply them to their install (which will be at the same tools release and rev level as ours). The consultant over there said that Change assistant has the capability to create ESU like packages that we can transfer to their environment. I have never heard of this capability but that does not mean it doesn't exist.

Has anyone done this?
Re: Change Assistant to Create \"ESU\" to Transfer to New Seperate Installation

Product Packaging is used for transferring custom objects from One installation to the other. Read 8.12 Product packaging guide or u can use the third party tool " Boomerang" from Everest software
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