Can not promot objects to PD


Hi everybody!

We have a problem trying to promot a project to 28 to 38

I have a project in 26 with all objects with token.

I promot the project to 28 succesfully, then i try to promot to 38 system gives me the error "Object Modified Under Other Project".

Cheking in Advance Search we made sure that the token is hold by our project.

The project owner is my user.

I´d apreciate any help... Thank you very much.

This typically indicates that the last modification was indeed done under another project. E1 thinks of a checkout and checkin as a modification, even if you don't change anything. Check the object out in your current project, then check it back in. This will change the last modification to your current project.

This happens alot when developers work on an object in one project, then the CNC folks administer the object in another one.

- Scott
Thanks for answering so quick.

I've already tried to check-in and check-out the objects but "transfer activity rules" don't allow me to check-in. So, I've just erased the check out but it doesn't work. I'm getting the same error mesage.
Make sure you're logged into an environment in which you can check in from.

Good luck.

- Scott
Hi voportuna,

I miss your release and system configuration infomation.

On the other hand, you are welcome aboard of JDEList.

Promote your project backward from 28 to 26, from 26 to 25, from 25 to 21.
Make your Check-Out, Check-in.
Promote again you project up to 38 and let us know your result.

Maybe the last modification had been made with Vocabulary Override against the object. Please, let me know, am I right or not. Thanks.

Read you later & Regards

Hi all!

I did as you said and it worked!
I promote my project backward to 21, and made check out check in and again up to 38.

Thank you very much for the explanation and sugestions.

It help me a lot.

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