Calling X4070 price adjustment server with formula adjustment


Well Known Member
For some of our custom jobs and interfaces we need to be able to calculate the correct price for a given item for a given customer. We've learned to call the JDE Price adjustment server X4070 which will return the price after taking into account any advanced price adjustments that are in effect.
It works great for 99% of our prices, but it does not work for price adjustments which have a Basis Code of '7' which means there is a formula to calculate the discount or price.
I've noticed, perhaps coincidentally, that these formula type adjustments are not displayed properly (they just don't calculate) in the Check Price & Availability inquiry P40721.
Does anyone have any experience with this issue that could provide a clue for us to work with?

Many thanks,
Sorry, forget about this. We got it working. The problem was between the keyboard and the chair.
Hi there....

Great you got it to work fine....

I wonder if you can explain me how you got it work...I need to do exatly the same you did (get the final price); I've been dealing with some of the Advance Pricing BSFN (B4000870,B4500710,B4201500,B4500050, etc), but I can't get it work.
I have the short item number (ITM), customer numer (AN8), Cost Center (MCU), company (CO) and base list price (LPRC).

Thank's in advanced

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