Business Unit Security


Well Known Member
Hello list,
We are a group of five consultants with the question, "Does business
security exits in OneWorld XE"? If so we are not finding it at this point.
The only thing we find is "Row Security", not the same as the World
Software? Thanks Scott Whipple and company.
That's it. It is much better than the old BU security from World, rich with
new features for the JDE user.

Bill Williams
Business Unit Security exits in OneWorld as Row security. You need to secure
the data item MCU or CostCenter in all tables (*ALL). Remember to turn on
row security in the data dictionary and refresh the global tables.


Colin Dawes, MSc
City of Guelph
B7332 SP13.1, Oracle 8.1.6, NT 4.0, Fat & WTS
I have recently set up business unit security by utilizing Row Security for
the CompanyHome data item and all seems to be well right now. We have 50+
locations and everyone within their location can now only see their branches
data. We also have VP's that oversee an average of 6 locations each - all I
did was add more excludes to Row Security and they can see their own
branches data.....working very well right now.
***A little twist to this as we had to identify our groups by location +
position code for this to work....more groups of course and a quite a bit of
initial set up, but will work smooth in the future.
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