BI Publisher: Check Program including built in Signatures


Active Member
Hello List
We are currently in World using ACOM to secure check signatures. We will be going live with E9.10 and will be using BI Publisher to customize the check print program R5504572.
I would like your suggestions and best practices on how to secure the RTF files that will now include signature jpgs as we seem to be losing a level of security by including the signatures directly in the RTF files.

Any tips and best practices would be greatly appreciated.
Don't put the jpgs in the RTF. Put the JPGs on the enterprise server or a secured network server and reference them in the RTF.

Insert a 'fake' image in the RTF then goto to format picture and on the 'Alt Text' tab enter the ref url as below:

url:{concat("\\quadrachemicals.corp\shares\finance$\Finance\Cheque Printing Images\", xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, 'pic')) }

In our case instead of assigning the exact path of the signature file we use the concat command to concatenate the path to a variable containing the actual file name. The file name to use is determined by the check amount. See below

<?if:number(Payment_Amount___Local_ID78) >=100000.00?><?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, 'pic', 'sig_1.jpg')?><?end if?><?if:number(Payment_Amount___Local_ID78) < 100000.00?><?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, 'pic', 'sig_2.jpg')?><?end if?>
Thanks Sean!!! Will test this logic.
Agree with Sean on that logic.
You can configure your images and signatures image files in Media attachments as well. Say you have to get your check signed by Address Book # X. Configure X for the sign. Now use Media file to get the info and concatenate file path and file name in UBE.
Now, use url explained by Sean in alternate text of your dummy image which is nothing but place holder for check sign and images.
Thanks Sean for solution..

We have a requirement to insert company logo in the template than after it has show in excel output.I placed normal jpeg logo in the template and it was showing fine in pdf, but not in eccel output.

Can you help me out on this

E8.12, Release 8.98.46
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