E9.1 Assign Math Numeric to DS


How to assign a math numeric value from the BSSV output payload to the BSFN DS parameter?
The BSFN DS parameter is of Math numeric type.

Here is the issue in more detail - Can you pls review and provide your feedback?

In case of any discussion - can you pls call Aarti @ +91-9545450573

We want to assign the highlighted Cost field(in the below xml) from BSSV output to the BSFN DS parameter
• BSFN DS parameter is of Math Numeric type
• The BSSV output payload returns the value in numeric format (mn-cCost)
• We are using below XRCS API to assign the BSSV output numeric value to the BSFN ds parameter but it is not working
o else if (jdeStricmp(elmName, _J("mn-cCost")) == 0){
XRCS_getMathNumericFromElement(hChildElms, &lpDS->mnCost);

The XML string defined in BSFN is as follows:
_J("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>")
_J("<mn-cCost negative=\"false\" decimal-position=\"0\" currency-decimals=\"0\" zero=\"true\"><currency-code></currency-code><value>0</value></mn-cCost>")

Pl. note that the BSSV call from the BSFN is successful and we are able to map the string parameters from the BSSV output payload to the BSFN DS string parameters
I think you should post the full code so we can see how the returned XML payload is being processed. An example of the returned payload would help as well.

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