Are You Sure? Screen



Well Known Member

I am developing a form in which the users enters information into a grid. I would like to implement an "Are you Sure?" screen when the user clicks Close to see if they actually want to exit. If they don't, I would like them to stay in the screen and not lose the data already in the grid.

In trying this, it seems that once the user hits Close, there is no way to stop it from actually closing. Has anyone accomplished this or have any suggestions on implementing this?


Nick S
Not much you can do when the real Cancel button is clicked. What you can do is change the State of the Cancel button to disabled, add you own button called Cancel (button can be placed on tool bar with a red X bitmap so it appears to be the "real" cancel button). In the Button Click event of new button you can launch our Are You Sure form and if they are sure you can use the Press Button system function to click the real Cancel button.


PS: See document ott-01-0071 on the Knowledge Garden for info on how to add bitmap to buttons.
Search this forum for the thread "Adding a WARNING to &CANCEL Button" from July/26/2001.

The step by step instructions that "WhippingBoy" gives are outstanding.
Thanks gpiekarski and WhippingBoy! It worked great.

Nick Szmyd
Implementing: OW Xe UP4 SP20, AS/400 V5R1, NT5.x fat clients
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