Any way to modify Media Object Viewer?


Wondering if anyone knows of any way to edit the Media Object Viewer? For example, let's say I want to add a new icon to add some functionality. I cannot seem to find a form to edit via Forms Designer. Any thoughts here?
Where there is a will there is a way. However, short answer is that I don't believe there is a (supported) way to modify the default MO viewer.

If you need a special purpose viewer for a single application you could always roll your own just using a standard form, the MO control, and associated system functions.
One other thing to note is that as of tools release 9.1.3, Oracle is providing a new method to manage file attachments, through the means of an Form Developer enhancement. The intent is to cut down the number clicks/screens required to add attachments. This might be worth looking into -- if you're on TR or later.
Hi BOster,
I was interested in doing the same but see it may not be possible with our version of 9.1. Can you expand on the roll your own concept? All I am looking to do is provide a link users can click to attach a (legal) document when making a name change. This link would be located in a form.
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