Alternate URL for OAS

This is relatively simple on the Windows platform.

If using Oracle OHS (Apache) as your web server, edit the httpd.conf and change 'DocumentRoot' = the owhtml directory on your OAS server. It would be something similar to

Document Root="d:\oracle\oas\j2ee\oc4j\applications\jde\webclient\owhtml"

You can use Enterprise Manager to make the required edits. Send me a note if you need assistance.

For the listener port, you can set Port=80 and add a listen directive on port 80 and any other available hostname/port combination you would like per the updated 8.96 Tools Release installation guide.

First, install the web clients using the JAS installer for the OAS platform. This way you can establish the OC4J instances and it will automatically configure the mod_oc4j.conf.

Here is an example of a functioning httpd.conf

Listen 80

NameVirtualHost jdedev:80
NameVirtualHost jdecrp:80
NameVirtualHost jdeqa:80

<VirtualHost jdedev:80>
Oc4jMount /jde JasOC4J
Oc4jMount /jde/* JasOC4J

<VirtualHost jdecrp:80>
Oc4jMount /jde JasOC4J2
Oc4jMount /jde/* JasOC4J2

<VirtualHost jdeqa:80>
Oc4jMount /jde JasOC4J3
Oc4jMount /jde/* JasOC4J3

In my example, I'm pointing the same server listening on port 80 to different OC4J instances, each with its own JDE environment configuration. jdedev points to DV811, jdecrp points to PY811 and jdeqa points to qa811. I would leave production to its own server unless you have a very small installation and no budget.

Make sure the virtual hosts are resolvable by both the OAS server and your clients.

So, I can type http://jdecrp into the Address bar and be directed to the JPY811 environment. http://jdeqa would take me to JQA811, on the same server as JPY811, but in a separate OC4J process (meaning separate JVM).

If using WebCache, it may already be listening on port 80, but the guide tells you what to do about WebCache so I won't detail that here. Needless to say, configuring OAS on Windows is less complicated than UNIX, as the installer will not fail if you attempt to listen on ports < 1024 as a non-root user.
You can look at our OneBrowser software - it may be a better approach...
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