Advanced pricing - adding a percentage upcharge



Hi, I'm using JDE1 v.8.11. I'm trying to add a 1 % upcharge on the net price of an order in advanced pricing. I tried setting an adjustment detail at 1% of base price but it does not seem to be working. Any help on how to set this up would be greatly appreciated (if it's even doable - seems like most advanced pricing is geared toward discounts or markup over cost). We do not use E1 for product costing, so an upcharge over cost will not work.
That should work. Have you tried -1 as the factor value, instead of +1? Since it's an add-on charge, it's the opposite of a discount, hence the negative sign.

If that doesn't work, what result are you getting?

We are using 9.0, but hopefully it works the same for you. I have set up an adjustment to take the base price and up it by 10%. In the adjustment detail I am using Basis code 2 - % of Curret Net Price. My factor value is 10.
Also in the adjustment schedule, when you select that adjustment make sure that the new base price box is checked.
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