about hardware'n software adaptation


about hardware\'n software adaptation

does anybody else know that can i install JDE stdln 8.11 or 8.10 on MAC laptop....does apple allow to install it....
you know i need to use PDF for printing the prints and MSDN near JDE stdln....
we wanna use it for demos.....
Re: about hardware\'n software adaptation

Sounds like you're asking if you can run JDE on a Mac . . .
the answer is no, you can't.
Re: about hardware\'n software adaptation

True for a PowerMac...but the latest Mac computers can run Windows natively if you install Boot Camp, as now they ship with Intel processors instead of PowerPC, so the answer is "yes you can".
Re: about hardware\'n software adaptation

Under Bootcamp you should be able to run Oneworld. Either that, or a vmware instance (try installing the FreeBSD version under darwin). I have no idea what the performance would be like - but it'd be very interesting to hear from you when you do this.

My next laptop is going to be a mac. I said that last laptop, and I regret not following through on it...!
Re: about hardware\'n software adaptation

Has anybody tried running JDE in linux using Wine? I have an instance of Ubuntu under one of my laptops, maybe i'll mess with it this weekend. I have no life, I'm a CNC.
Re: about hardware\'n software adaptation

No, but there would be utterly no point to it in my opinion. JDE is often problematic enough on its own, and you want to try to run it on what is basically Windows 98 dll's?
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