AAI Audit Log/File (F0012)


We are on A7.3 Cumm 10. I was wondering if an Audit log or file exists to track changes being made to the AAIs. F0012, and its logicals have a date and time stamp, but is there an audit file to track changes to the AAIs such as maybe the F0101A (Address Book Audit).

Standard Furniture
No there is no audit log file to track AAI changes. Use JDE security
features to "secure" access to those programs that allow
Add/Change/Delete to AAI's.

Depending on your needs you could consider journaling the AAI files
(financial as well as Distribution/Manufacturing AAI's).
Q Software provides software that monitors changes to a number of JDE tables including the F0012. If you need further information, contact me directly by email on [email protected], or directly to QSOFTWARE.COM.


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