8.96 2.2 changes

Robert Robinson

Robert Robinson

Reputable Poster
I read the 8.96 v 8.97 thread with great interest. We are moving to the 8.96 2.2 tools release, and from the Release Notes, I gleaned changes (improvements?) in the following areas:
* Crystal (table joins)
* XML Publisher
* JDE E1 Portlets
* Item Help
* FDA (ER validation separated from Save function)
* Change Assistant
I also noted that several of the changes are associated with the 8.12 release (we are on 8.11 SP1)

I wanted to pump those of you already on 8.96: what other changes/improvements have you seen? Are there any potholes to watch out for? We are moving from 8.95.

Hi Robert,

Here are a couple of improvements that come with 8.96 :

1. SQL 2005 support
2. WAS 6.0 support
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