8.9 SP3 ER Debugger – CreateService failed. Unable to continue.



Legendary Poster

Starting the ER debugger application, the debugger window freezed for a while, finally bring up an error message window: „CreateService failed. Unable to continue.”

Pressing the OK on the message window, the debugger exits too.

I found Soltion ID 200825696 document, which reports exactly this problem.
Upon trying to start up the ER debugger, the screen appears but then an error is received of the flavor "SendServiceInfo failed" or "CreateService failed".
re-register DebuggerService.dll fixed the issue

Start->Run->regsvr32 DebuggerService.dll
I applied the described solution, registering DebuggerService.dll, but did not solved the problem.

Platform: Win2000, EO 8.9 SP3

All tip, hint, help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Another way to register the dll is to doubleclick on it, then select the regsrv32 application from the system32 folder... I've found that it is, often, better to register dll's the long way - than via the command line.

I did have to copy the JRE folder over - and register the dll, per the instructions that have been discussed in the recent debugger threads....

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for your hint.

I registered the DLL this way, but did not help. I restarted the workstation, but the problem remained.

After this I unregistered both registration with run:

regsvr32 /u DebuggerService.dll
regsvr32 /u C:\B9\system\bin32\DebuggerService.dll

and re-registered with full path:

regsvr32 C:\B9\system\bin32\DebuggerService.dll

re-booted the computer, but nothing changed.

Am I missed something else to do?

Have you ever got the "CreateService failed." error after you elmininated the LaunchJVM.exe problem?

Have you done any other thing to solve the debugger issue at your site (e.g. re-install the client, edit the registry, etc.)?

Thanks again,

Hi Zoltan!

I've seen the issue that you are fighting with...

Per the SARs that you've listed - I've worked through a similar path
as you (and by chance - gotten past the issue)...

Initially, I changed the path of the JRE (java stuff) to a location of
a 'more up to date' JRE supplied by IBM. Then - I got the
"CreateService Failed" error message.

I did the .dll registration thing - but still got the error.

Then I used ScooterSoftware's BeyondCompare to do a compare of my
workstation against a workstation where Debug Worked. I found a
difference at "C:\Program Files\JDEdwards\BPMBroker" where the working
machine contained a JRE folder, subfolders and files. At that point I
copied the C:\Program Files\JDEdwards\BPMBroker\*.* folder to my local

I forgot to point the registry enty back to C:\Program
Files\JDEdwards\BPMBroker - so I still got the "CreateService Failed"
error. After I pointed the registry back to the correct location of
PPS's JRE - all worked good.

Did you change the path in the registry (per one of the listed SARs)?
If so - you might not have pointed it back to its default path?

My registry (for the BPMBroker area) looks as follows:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"jre"="C:\\Program Files\\JDEdwards\\BPMBroker\\JRE\\1.3\\bin\\hotspot\\jvm.dll"







You might want to see if your registry is hacked. You may be able to
copy the registry entrees (above) into a .reg file, modify it to fit
your pathcode (810 vs 89?) and load. Make sure you have a copy of the
original before trying (I know you'd do that - but others may be

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