E9.2 54HS Health & Safety Module - Who's actively using it?



VIP Member
Hi folks, I'm working on the health & safety module in E1 which is coded 54HS. I was wondering if anyone is actively using it. P54HS00 which is intended to be the main screen is a bit of a mess when you go in to enter a full incident. There are dozens of subforms, the most important entry fields are buried, etc. Our safety people need forms to be as simple and straightforward as possible, and it feels like this module was written to show off JDE bells and whistles (powerforms) without regard for actual usability.

If anyone's OK sharing some lessons learned, whether or not you had to customize and what those customizations were, etc., I'd be very grateful.
I implemented H&S at a previous employer, and yes, there are a LOT of subforms in that application. Probably the best thing we did on that project was hold some live sessions with the end users, in which we built the grid formats for all of the subforms. There are SO many grid columns, and especially SO SO many category codes, on each grid. To make it usable, we hid the vast majority of the grid columns and put the remaining ones in a more natural order for incident entry.

Probably the biggest "customization" was to create their own incident report. We based it on how the BIP from Oracle appears, but adjusted it to meet all of needs, including displaying of text attachments. We wrote this report in Crystal Reports (their corporate reporting solution at the time), and made it callable right from P54HS00.
Hi Dave,

You and I met in Portland Airport on the flight to Blueprint 4D in Vegas.

Louise Farner was the Product Manager and design architect for HSIM (54HS) when she was with Oracle. Louise now works for me at Asset Management Solutions. I'd recommend you send her an email at [email protected], she can help you with any questions you may have about Sys 54HS configuration, background of why things are designed as they are, software demo's, etc.

Scott Hollowell
Hello Dave,

I'm happy to assist in any way - I think the use of form personalization will be of help - please feel free to drop me an email at [email protected]
Thanks so much, I missed this post until now! I am working on form personalization and dealing with some headaches around the collapsing sections, inability to hide sections/subforms in some cases, etc. Probably just some things I need to learn in relation to form personalization

I realize that I probably came across as a snot nosed brat in my post above. I am old enough to realize that complex systems have lots of reasons as to their complexity, and that in this case, many of the features I take for granted in E1 weren't probably a twinkle in anyone's eye when 54HS was being built out. I didn't mean to be harsh and was speaking out of a bit of frustration in the moment. I apologize for that!
Dave, On the HSIM incident master, the subforms used represent 2 types - ones that display data stored on the incident master table, such as the Investigation form, and other subforms that display information stored in a different table, such as Activities. I do not believe you can hide a subform that has data stored in a table other than the Incident Master.
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